Hypertension. A new approach and an alternative treatment for complete elimination
Hypertension along with ensuing heart attacks and strokes are the leading human diseases of the 20th and the 21th centuries. According to the World Health Organization, 39.2% of the global female population and 42% of the global male population without taking into account the age groups suffer from some type of cardiovascular disease, in particularly, from hypertension, which affects nearly 2 billion of the 6 billion people living on Earth. For middle age population, this figure reaches 80%.
As it is evident, diseases of the cardiovascular system are facing virtually every resident of the Earth. In a couple of years, the time will come when not a single individual will manage to pass through his middle age and bypass the cardiovascular diseases.
It is interested to know that cardiovascular pathologies are typical to humans alone and specifically to humans living on Earth beginning from the 20th century. Neither hypertension nor heart attacks, strokes or coronary heart disease are observed in any of the animal species. There is virtually no information on the incidence of these pathologies in people living prior to the 20th century and available discrete information in this area is simply invented.
The dynamic of the development and distribution of the cardiovascular diseases has a close relationship with the growth of urbanization. Heart attack, stroke and hypertension were first identified in European countries in the 1930s. At the time, the population of Asia and Africa and even the black population living in the Western countries had no idea about these diseases. Only in the 1970s did the epidemic of these diseases reach Asia.
The conventional "theory" of hypertension
Currently, there is a great number of "theories" on the origin of hypertension. Virtually all of them are derived from a nonscientific fantasy. Precisely due to the fact that the given "theories" are nonscientific and often times, owing to the initiative of their authors, methods of effective treatment of patients in this category are still absent whereas researches of newer versions either do not begin at all or are suppressed during their early stages.
Current medicine offers five classes of drugs for hypertension treatment and they are all designed to lower the blood pressure temporarily. Most of these drugs have serious side effects and arouse addiction; they don’t eliminate the real cause of hypertension. Therefore, regardless of whether patients use it or not, the disease continues to worsen and progress: from the first stage, hypertension gradually progresses into the second and the third stages.
The globally accepted "theory" explains the process of the development of hypertension as follows: "The vasomotor center dysfunction in the medulla oblongata occurs under the influence of stress and genetic predisposition leading to the activation of the sympatho-adrenalo-angiotensinic system. Adrenal medulla releases adrenaline and noradrenaline into the blood. At the same time, aldosterone, vasopressin, angiotensin I and II, renin and many more substances are secreted into the blood. In result, blood vessels constringe, the strength of myocardial contraction increases, and arterial blood pressure rises."
Let’s now consider what is meant by the extensible concept of "the vasomotor center dysfunction". What are the dysfunctions this "theory" is implying?
The whole spectrum of brain dysfunctions known to science appears owing to either an increase or a decrease in cerebral blood flow or to the presence of a tumor or an organic damage.
Of the dysfunctions stated above, it is obvious that brain tumor and mechanical injury cannot possibly cause such cardiovascular disease as hypertension and coronary heart disease. Consequently, the possibility of a neoplasm or an organic brain injury is to be completely excluded from the proposed "theory". Otherwise, we could detect a tumor and a brain injury in every patient with hypertension and hypertension in every cancer and brain injury patient.
Of all the possible brain dysfunctions, the only two options remaining are: an increase or a decrease in blood supply to the brain. It is not difficult to guess that the optimal blood circulation to the brain as to any other organ also improves its functions and in this particular case, of all brain regions including the vasomotor center. Then, it is also self-evident that a general decline of cerebral blood circulation leads to dysfunction and hypofunctioning of all its parts, including the vasomotor center, which also decreases vascular tone and the frequency and intensity of myocardium contractions. Besides, a steady reduction in the blood supply to the brain just as to all other organs, is a natural and inevitable condition of aging that occurs with age. It is usually the result of general atrophic process of the body including in terminal stages of hypertension and a total atherosclerosis. Therefore, the occurrence of hypertension cannot be associated with a dysfunction, specifically relates to a decrease of the vasomotor center’s functioning.
Let’s assume that an existing vasomotor center dysfunction in the medulla oblongata actually leads to the activation of sympatho-adrenalo-angiotensinic system along with suprarenalism. Now, let’s examine how adrenaline and noradrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands, along with renin, angiotensin and aldosterone secreted by the kidneys affects the blood pressure.
Under the influence of the maximum admissible dose of adrenaline, arteriolar diameter constricts down to its maximal capacity (1/10th of its original size), blood velocity increases twice, the force and the rate of contractions of the heart accelerates by two folds, and arterial blood pressure rises merely by 10–20 mmHg. This is the physiological threshold of human’s cardiovascular system. At this, the action time of adrenaline is limited to two minutes. Adrenaline readily splits in blood plasma and immediately loses its effect. This has been designed by nature for the protection of biological beings from self-destruction. Endocrine glands lack the capacity of accumulating secreted hormones. At synthesis, hormones are gradually washed out into the bloodstream with blood. Simultaneous synthesis and secretion of one milligram of adrenaline is practically beyond the capability of adrenal gland.
If we assume that increasing arterial pressure from 10 to 20 mmHg for 2 minutes requires 1 mg of adrenaline, we can easily calculate how much of this substance is needed to keep arterial pressure at 200 mmHg level for 20 years. Before trying to imagine this process in our head, we need to assume that the physiological capabilities of the body are endless, i.e. that our heart can contract 280 times and more per minute, the speed of blood flow can be accelerated by 2–4 times and our blood vessels can be constricted by 25–50 times!!!
Hence, to raise blood pressure to 200 mmHg over the course of 20 years, we will require 26 kilograms of adrenaline alone, synthesis of which in such amounts is unrealistic even for the largest factory in its production. For a body to cope with a task of this scope, its adrenal glands would have to be the size of a 5-storey building while a person possessing such a gland would have to be a 1000-storey building tall!
Possessing a sensible mind and ability to use the conceiving brain, once and for ever it is necessary to realize that hypertension has no valid relationship with the currently accepted "theory" originated from a field of nonscientific fantasy. At its best, it merely reflects the great desire of its authors to reveal the secret of the most common disease of a 20th century’s human, causing him so much suffering. At its worst, it is yet another formal material for the defense of someone’s protocol dissertation that will serve as an acquittal in the hands of the medical mafia for their business based on the demand of the ill for pharmaceutical preparations.
Can cholesterol and triglycerides cause heart attacks, strokes and hypertension?
According to the authors of yet another "theory", cholesterol and triglycerides are the primary sources of hypertension as well as heart attacks, strokes, cardiac and cerebral ischemia, and all existing pathologies of the human cardiovascular system in general. However, neither theoretically nor practically, the etiological role of these substances in the origin of these disease has never been proved.
In this particular case, the notion that cholesterol and triglycerides play a role in the onset of the cardiovascular pathologies initially takes its origin from a naive conclusion deduced from the direct observations of elevated plasma concentrations of cholesterol in the human blood beginning from the 1930s. In addition, the development of medical diagnostic equipment that has made it possible to conduct laboratory tests for identifying and standardizing the level of these substances in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases has contributed to the adoption of this kind of conclusion. Otherwise, is it reasonable to claim that the substances that have been present in the organism of the living beings for millions of years suddenly, from a certain period of time began to transform from harmless factors into pathogenic agents causing an epidemic of the cardiovascular disease, all the more, only in people living in the middle of the twentieth century? Cholesterol and triglycerides were present in the body at all times whereas heart attacks were first documented only in the 20th century. The phenomenon that brought about the biological changes of the organism namely pathocomplex process that began from the second half of the 18th century, over the course of its evolution, by the 1930s, has caught humanity by surprise, and compelled the scientists to make hasty conclusions.
The size of cholesterol can be determined by a simple calculation. if we assume that all carbon atoms are situated on one line, the length of a cholesterol molecule equals to 8 nm. However, as carbon atoms in the cholesterol molecule form a ring, its length is reduced to 4 nm and its width is adding up to approximately 0.8 nm. A molecule of such dimensions easily passes through any capillary and biological pores without posing any hazards to any organ of the body.
According to the function of cholesterol it is possible to judge about the purpose of its accumulation in the blood. Increase in level of cholesterol in the blood of an individual living in the 20th century results from either the need to repair cellular membrane, damaged by other known factors or for the synthesis of hormones. Cholesterol can also enter the bloodstream as a product of tissue decay.
Besides, an increase of cholesterol levels in the blood must have a logical explanation since it is not allogenic to biological beings. In psychological conditions, cholesterol exists in organism of not only human, but all other living beings as well, and not merely beginning from the 1930s, but fortens of thousands of years. Thus, the currently practiced in medicine "theory" about the negative role of cholesterol in the cardiovascular disease development finds no explanation for the following question: "How come, in the 20th century, cholesterol has suddenly changed its role from being a strongly positive agent to becoming the most pathogenic agent?"
Triglycerides enter the human body with fatty foods and as such, they cannot be absorbed or accumulated in the intestine, they would clog up the whole intestine in a short run. However, as all the nations currently existing in the world convincingly and unanimously assure us, no one, in the whole history of mankind, has ever experienced an intestinal obstruction!!! Such phenomenon can be only imagined in a human with an ordinary drain mounted instead of a biologically active digestive system. After all, if not for the body’s ability to digest fat, the fats would never be used as nutrients by the biological beings. Triglycerides are broken down by enzymes into their constituent components: fatty acids and glycerol. With their microscopic size, these compounds can easily penetrate through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. Subsequently, they are either used as a source of energy or are deposited in tissues. All laboratory tests designed to measure blood triglyceride level are based on detection of glycerol molecules as actually triglycerides are never found in the blood. This means that every three identified molecules of glycerol are equivalent to one molecule of triglyceride as they are never found in the bloodstream in the form of a whole molecule in fact. If triglycerides were truly the main etiological factors of cardiovascular pathologies, including heart attacks and strokes, then all camels and fishes would have been extinct a long time ago whereas, in reality, heart attacks in fishes and camels never happen. On the contrary, the accumulation of residues from triglyceride molecules in the blood with their characteristic low density also reduces the density and viscosity of the blood. The fact of increase level of triglycerides or rather their components in the blood of people predisposed to heart attacks, proves to be true, but their occurrence is triggered by the body’s need to protect itself from heart attacks and strokes. The true causative agents of blood clogging are the well-known pathocomplexes that are accumulating in the organism of a modern human.
Thus, blood triglycerides are not the factor causing heart attacks and their elevated levels must be considered as indicators of hypercoagulability and an approaching infarction. Therefore, the measures against infractions do not have to be directed at the at the reduction of triglyceride levels or their destruction, but rather on their maintenance until complete elimination of the pathocomplex process.
Based on all the above, the following conclusions can be established:
1. Elevated blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels are not the direct causation factors of the cardiovascular pathologies, in particularly, of hypertension, ischemic disease, heart attacks and strokes. The conclusion that these factors play an etiological role in the incidence and development of cardiovascular pathologies because of their presence in the blood is most likely the fruit of a style of thinking that is typical of the non-analytical American "scientist’s" brain that finds it easier to recognize a direct causation of some identified factors rather than to take the trouble of arranging these factors based on their cause and effect relationships.
2. All medical laboratories measure blood triglyceride levels based on the amount of the glycerol molecules, which raising is not a reliable indicators of increase namely triglycerides.
3. Increase blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels are protective compensatory mechanisms mainly serving the tasks of thinning the blood, reducing its viscosity and restoring cellular membrane destroyed under the influence of other factors.
4. High levels of triglyceride and cholesterol detected by the laboratory method serve only as the indicator of presence of pathocomplex process in the blood that leads to hypertension, ischemia, heart attacks and strokes.
5. Any attempt to directly reduce the levels of blood triglycerides and cholesterol, leaves the body without a single, in such case natural defense mechanism. Without being aware about the existence of a new theory explaining the true source of cardiovascular pathologies, many medical practitioners recently have therefore been intuitively prescribing fish oil, which is mostly made up of these triglycerides, to patients suffering from these diseases for improving the rheological properties of their blood.
6. After high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol are detected in the blood, all efforts should be directed at eliminating the pathocomplex process, as the result of what, their level in the blood will automatically be normalized.
A huge amount of funds was spent on creation of "drugs" against cholesterol during the period of cholesterol "theory’s" existence. Thousands of "science centers" began the research for "drugs" originally supposedly developed for the mission of stopping the onset of the cardiovascular diseases. Anti-cholesterol and anti-triglyceride "drugs" are selling on the pharmacological markets in all countries for a minimum of 30 years now and yet, no one, nowhere in the world, can show at least a single individual who would be recovered from hypertension, coronary heart disease or any other cardiovascular disease by taking these "drugs". On the contrary, according to official statistics, with every other day, cardiovascular system diseases aggravate, progress, and tend to become increasingly common in younger people and the sickness statistics grow at an ever increasing pace. If in 1950s, hypertension was limited to European countries alone, today, we can no longer find a single country in the world where cardiovascular pathologies would not stand as the first factors of morbidity and mortality.
What is hypertension in fact?
Imagine a system consisting of a pump and approximately 100 elastic pipes of different diameters attached to it. The pump propels the homogenous fluid along these pipes. The fluid returns back to the pump after its circulation in the system. The pump itself is supplied with this fluid via several tinny tubes allocated from the main system. According to the preliminary conditions of our experiment, the average diameter of the pipe system makes up a constant value, such as 10 mm. In such circumstances, at a continuous operation of the pump, the pressure of the fluid in the overall system is 125 mmHg. In the absence of unexpected changes to this system, it can keep a constant circulation of the fluid and its stable pressure for a long time. Now, let’s clasp a few of these pipes with a clip. Fluid circulation in these pipes will terminates, system pressure increases, while the amount of fluid returning to the pump decreases. To break through this blockage, the pump needs to work more intensively making the system pressure rise even further. In such circumstances, let’s clasp two of the five pipes supplying the pump itself. A critical situation emerges whereby the pump needs to work more intensively to compensate for the lack of hydrodynamic, on the one hand, while its nourishment is more limited, on the other hand. As a result, we have a contradictory situation leading to an overload of the pump. If we continue the successive shutdown of pipes, the system pressure will increase to a maximum while the relative nourishment of the pump will be reduced to a minimum. The system will lose the basic initial mission. At any one point, any of these pipes may rupture. As a result of the inconsistencies between the intensified operation of the pump and its reduced nourishment, the pump begins to malfunction thereby reducing its output. Now, imagine that instead of clips, we infuse the system with a heterogeneous fluid that has allogenic bodies rather than a homogeneous fluid. As the given fluid circulates, the pipes, including those that nourish the pump itself are clogging up with the accumulations of these allogenic bodies. The system reaches the similar state аналогичного as previously described experiment with clips clasping pipes.
Let’s now transfer this experiment entirely to the human cardiovascular system. As if a constantly running pump, the heart supports continuous and stable blood circulation of our entire body. It propels the blood through the vascular system with its return back to the heart. The heart itself is nourished by the blood.
In all evolutionary developed living beings possessing humoral immunity, the defense process is carried out through the formation and disbandment of immune complexes. By surrounding from various directions antigens that enter the body, the main cells supporting human immunity, B-lymphocytes, form immune complexes that serve the purpose of destroying foreign bodies. After completing this task, immune complexes must be disassembled and B-lymphocytes are released to continue performing their protective functions. This physiological process happens in the organism of every healthy human thousands of times per day. The disassociation of immune complexes is triggered by certain factors that are synthesized in the body of all healthy living beings possessing this type of immunity. A reduction or absence of these factors causes a defect in the disassociation mechanism of immune complexes. As a result, these immune complexes are transformed in pathological immune complexes (pathocomplexes). While circulating in the bloodstream and attaching other blood cells, particularly B-lymphocytes, plasma cells, platelets, red blood cells and also protein components to itself, the pathocomplexes form giant, in terms of biology, aggregates that are capable of causing occlusion of the blood vessels, especially capillaries with subsequent formation of thrombosis nidi. This means that this region becomes excluded from the total blood flow and the tissues surrounding these vessels die out.
Thus, pathocomplexes are the main factors of the vascular occlusion that is occurring in the organism of humans living in the 20th century. After each successive stage of thrombosis, part of the blood vessels becomes excluded from the circulatory system just as in our experiment where pipes ceased to function with clips imposed on them or with occlusion of endogenous aggregates made up of allogenic bodies. The only difference is that the human organism has a more extensive network of blood vessels. As a result, a deadlock in one or more of the many blood vessel channels of entire circulatory system leads to its fragmentation and consequently, elevated blood pressure.
If to assume that in the human organism exist 800 million capillaries and arterioles, then to raise blood pressure twice, half of these vessels must be occluded. If we assume that, currently, the maximum human lifespan is 100 years, then starting from the 20 age old, 10 million capillaries and arterioles are occluded annually. In the language of biology, this means that one year of human life under physiological conditions and in a biological notion equals to the occlusion of 10 million blood vessels. This is the mysterious process of human aging ending with the moment of death.
The example of a system created by a pump and pipes illustrates that if the system’s peripheral pipes close up, its pressure increases. This is the case with the human cardiovascular system as well: one after another, the blood vessels become occluded with the pathocomplexes and consequently the entire circulatory system that smoothly circulated the blood from the heart to the vessels and back to the heart gradually fragments causing the blood pressure to rise in its separate fragments. This is the primary cause of hypertension in the human circulatory system.
Occlusion of vessels with the pathocomplexes causes necrosis of the surrounding tissue and the cholesterol contained in cell membranes of these tissues is released causing the rise of cholesterol levels observing in the blood of patients suffering from the cardiovascular pathologies.
As a result of carrying out of complex therapy based on the pathocomplex theory, the lack of synthesis of the factors required for disbandment of the pathocomplexes in the last stage of the humoral defense will be completely eliminated and thus, the foundation for existence of all cardiovascular pathologies, in particular hypertension automatically disappears. Previously fragmented human circulatory system restores to a degree of a relatively intact system. In other words, as a result of the treatment, the entire circulatory system reanimates and returns to a younger state, allowing an individual to have a physiologically normal arterial blood pressure adapted for his organism without taking antihypertensive drugs and at the same time, to lead a hyperactive lifestyle.
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