Ischemic Heart Disease.
A new outlook for its complete elimination
Every organ in the human organism needs adequate blood supply to function to its full capacity. The heart, as the most active organ, is not exclusion. Cardiac performance is more important than the performance of any other organ. Therefore, inadequate blood supply to the heart is more sensible as it affects not only the performance of the heart itself, but also directly impacts the functioning of all other organs, correspondingly reducing their blood supply and leading to their dysfunction.
The heart is supplied with blood via two, right and left, coronary arteries. Both arteries originate from the ascending aorta and completely cover the heart with their branches. One of the hydrodynamic characteristics and simultaneously, an anatomical disadvantage of these vessels is that they leave the aorta at an acute angle that is opposite to the direction of the blood flow. Consequently, the blood circulation in them is opposite to the blood circulation in the aorta and thus, relatively passive. Owing to these characteristics, as instant acceleration of blood flow is less significant in these vessels then in others that are directly continuing from the aorta, the coronary arteries are more prone to clogging and narrowing. All other arteries of the body are extensions of the aorta and their vector of blood flow coincides with the direction of these vessels and therefore proceeds more logically consistent with the laws of hydrodynamics.
Every tissue of the body requires adequate blood supply corresponding to its functional specificity. The most demanding upon nutrient supply is the brain tissue. Mucosa and muscle tissue also need relatively vigorous blood circulation. According to the principles of biological selection, any specific tissue of the body that is not receiving sufficient blood supply to perform its function degrades into trophically less demanding fibrous tissue. If by any reason the logical correlation between the function and the nourishment of a certain organ is violated, its cells die out and are replaced by less nutrient-demanding fibrous tissues.
The relationship between the intensity of any organ’s tissue function and its blood supply can be disrupted for three reasons:
1. An increase in the volume of an organ’s tissue at fixed blood supply.
2. Reduction of blood supply to the organ’s tissue due to constriction of its blood vessels at fixed volume.
3. Both options happening concurrently i.e., an increase in the volume of an organ’s tissue and simultaneous reduction of its blood supply.
This underlies the mechanism that triggers any organ’s blood supply deficiency, including the heart. In most cases, the cause of heart muscle bulk enlargement (hypertrophy) is physical overload that in most people basically occurs due to hypertension. In athletes, who use hormones for building somatic musculature, the heart enlargement is triggered unnaturally. Anabolic hormones affect muscles that are under physical pressure during the action of the drug. The musculature of the heart that is continuously working around the clock during the period of hormonal action becomes more and more exposed to hypertrophy. However, the coronary vessels do not enlarge and do not develop in proportion to the enlargement of the musculature of the heart.
With age, coronary vessels constrict or completely clog up due to the pathocomplex process. This is the reason why an inconsistency between the large volume of the heart and its insufficient blood supply arises and aggravates with time. Consequently, without adequate blood supply, the musculature of the heart becomes partially replaces by fibrous tissue and results in cardiac insufficiency.
A new scientific theory cannot be detached from the whole previous history of medical sciences. Any new scientific theory is born against the background of collectively accumulated knowledge in this particular field over the entire course of its existence. If not for the cardiovascular diseases, people would never set forth the "theory" on cholesterol and triglycerides to later refute it after a while. Both with the nomination and the negation of this "theory", sincere scientists pursued the humane goal of helping people, especially those who need it most.
The "theory" about the participation of cholesterol and triglycerides in the occurrence of human cardiovascular disease has emerged as a result of naive conclusions owing to non-analytic observations and primitive thinking. In scientific circles, this "theory" has been long refuted. Its preservation and maintenance today continues for commercial purposes alone. According to the laws of logic and science, once the etiological factor of the disease has been eliminated, the disease itself should completely disappear once and for all. However, these diseases never vanished anywhere, but on the contrary, they are confidently striding forward.
Methods of coronary heart disease treatment
In current medicine, coronary heart disease is treated with beta-blockers and calcium antagonists. The action of these drugs is merely directed at reducing the myocardial performance to a level that corresponds to its reduced blood circulation. Coronary vasodilating drugs of short and long-term action are used for temporarily increasing blood flow to the heart. Current medicine also has operational treatment modes for improving the blood supply to the heart: coronary stenting and coronary artery bypass surgery. In either case, regardless of which option is used for treating coronary heart disease, it is important to note that none of these above-mentioned methods are capable of eliminating the source and the cause of the cardiovascular pathologies. Consequently, when any of these convention methods of treatment are chosen, the process of stenosis and coronary vessels occlusion still continues. For this reason, even if this kind of treatment does lead to some kind of temporary improvement, sooner or later ischemic heart disease recurs, triggered by the same causes as before and but this time, in a more aggravated form. Nonetheless, in the arsenal of the current medicine, the ways of solving this problem remain the same. This is why patients who are still amenable to medicamental treatments have to constantly increase drug doses due to their decreasing effectiveness. In addition, due to acquired drug tolerance as well as serious side effects, they are often compelled to substitute them. In the end, they reach a point when existing drugs, despite their huge assortment in the current pharmacological market, are no longer capable of maintaining relatively normal and stable condition for the patients.
Next in line are the operational treatments. However, in such conditions, large-scale positive results should not be expected. Yet, neither stenting nor the coronary artery bypass surgery are capable of yielding a significantly effective help even in normal conditions, as the basis and the source of the cardiovascular pathologies, in particular hypertension as the main factor of heart overload, along with peripheral vascular resistance are not eliminated with these methods. To all other, in spite of its complexity and serious consequences, coronary bypass surgery is often offered by physicians when it is practically useless, i.e. when the in the peripheral part of the coronary vessels already present significant stenosis. In this case, growing blood flow in the distal parts via shunts cannot lead to any other result besides rising blood pressure in them and consequently, emergence of the risk of their rejection. If timely operative treatments ever result in relatively favorable outcomes, they can never be fixed for a long time because sooner or later both shunts and stents can be occluded for the same reason that caused the occlusion of the normal blood vessels. In this case, arises a compelled necessity for repeated surgeries. Whereas it is still possible to repeat stenting of other coronary blood vessels, the coronary artery bypass graft surgery that inflicts more injury than treatment is practically never repeated. In the end, the modern cardiology clinics come to a point when not a single one of them, regardless of how well they are equipped, is capable of offering something to such patients.
Summarising the outcomes of all currently existing treatments, analyzing all achievements of modern medical science, inevitably arises the conclusion that the only source for the initial occurrence of all cardiovascular pathologies in general and the coronary artery occlusion in ischemic heart disease in particular as it was already mentioned is the pathocomplex process. After the 50 years of vacuum in medicine in regards to explaining the causes of the cardiovascular diseases, the theory of pathocomplex process that we propose, in addition to substantiating the origin of these diseases, is also offering the only practical way out of the impasse of the human cardiovascular pathologies
According to the theory of pathocomplex process, while circulating in the bloodstream, the pathocomplexes attach to themselves other blood cells, including erythrocytes, thrombocytes as well as protein compounds thus forming large aggregates whose sedimentation on various blood vessels, including the coronary blood arteries triggers their stenosis and eventually, occlusion. By eliminating the pathocomplex process as the source of the cardiovascular diseases, it is possible completely to cure the coronary heart disease, thus preventing the incidence of heart attacks and strokes.
Today, I’m sharing a bit of my own Afib story with you, because I want you to know I understand where you might be, right now.
ОтветитьУдалитьDuring my first Afib episode, I had blood clots and a close call with a stroke. I was never stable on blood thinners. My health challenges took a huge toll on me, physically and emotionally – and on my family. For me, I felt like I was a stroke just waiting to happen.
After living this way for 22 months, during which I carried a cell phone and beta blocker everywhere I went and was always planning my travel around being near a hospital, I had a mini maze procedure, and guess what?
I've been AFIB-FREE for nearly almost a year!
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When I was going through my Afib-related challenges, I learned everything I could about this condition.