
Arrhythmia. Another explanation for etiology.
New method of its elimination

For smooth blood circulation through all vessels, the heart must contract rhythmically at sixty to eighty beats per minute. Arrhythmia is a disturbance in the rhythmic beat of the heart. As with other incompletely researched pathologies, instead of actually deepening into the essence, a variety of manipulations with images of the phenomena are widespread in contemporary medicine, leading to the birth of equally numerous useless classifications. There are many types of arrhythmia classifications. However, ultimately, none of them makes a difference in terms of treatment. What really matters are the causes that trigger such diseases and, in this case, heart rhythm disturbance along with practical suggestions for curing this pathology. There are two main causes of arrhythmias:
1. Anatomical changes in heart’s conduction system that conducts electric currents through its muscles. Such forms of myocardodystrophia occur after myocardial infarctions, heart surgeries, or heart damage induced by systemic diseases. In such cases, cardiomyocytes are replaced by fibrous tissue, which then impede the electric current from being simultaneously distributed across all segments of the heart. As a result, there is either an inadequate current density in cardiomyocytes and the muscles fail to contract promptly and fully, skipping a heartbeat or occurs an asynchronous contraction of different heart segments affecting the heart’s circulation function due to nonsimultaneous propagation of the impulse.
2. Myocardial blood supply reduction in coronary vessels. If, in the first case, electric current was impeded from being synchronously propagated along the heart muscles, in the second case, the myocardium itself is unable to full contractions due to inadequate blood circulation.

The second form of arrhythmia is more favorable for complete elimination with our method of treatment. In the first case, after for instance an infarction, a layer of fibrous tissue appears in the myocardium that is a permanent irreversible anatomical defect. Eliminating arrhythmia with such anatomical changes would not be possible because the scars are obstacles in the way of the heart’s conduction system. It is important to note that in such cases, given the fact that the development of fibrous tissues is an irreversible process, arrhythmia must be present in a permanent form, that is extremely rare even among people who have had heart attacks. In 90 percent of cases, arrhythmia still has a non-permanent form, appears and disappears. This gives grounds to assume that the second type of arrhythmia is more widespread. In such case, as it was already mentioned, arrhythmia develops due to inadequate blood flow to the heart as a result of the narrowing and subsequent occlusion of the coronary vessels with pathocomplexes. Elimination of the pathocomplex process in the patient’s organism prevents further clogging of the blood vessels, opens recently clogged blood vessels, increases collateral blood flow and, thus, improves total heart hemocirculation. And with improvement of cardiac hemocirculation, arrhythmia induced by coronary ischemia will be gradually eliminated.
Prior to the development of arrhythmia, coronary circulation deficiency and hypertension are relatively compensated. When already existing diseases are complemented with arrhythmia, predicting the condition of patients becomes challenging because every moment, there is a risk of an emergency triggered by temporary stoppage of blood flow between the heartbeats and possible sudden thrombosis of cardiovascular vessels, which can cause acute infarctions of various organs, including the heart and the brain. In most cases, the medical history of patients diagnosed with myocardial infarctions or strokes also includes a diagnosis of arrhythmia.
The development of arrhythmia against the background of long-existing cardiovascular pathologies such as hypertension and ischemia, indicates about the approach of cardiac decompensation, as exactly in these moments the discrepancy between coronary hemocirculation and cardiac activity reaches maximum. Therefore the heart would not be capable to make full value contractions for a long time.
The pacemakers (implanted cardiac resynchronization devices) that are used in current medicine for treating arrhythmia merely are capable to regulate the heart rate artificially. These devices are useful only when the coronary blood circulation is relatively satisfactory. As for a heart that lacks sufficient blood supply, no device can make it forcedly do full contractions regularly seventy times per minute. In such cases, the pacemakers only intensify the discrepancy between coronary hemocirculation and cardiac activity in addition, although the heart itself, without any intervention, adapts its performance to the extent of its abilities according to its blood circulation. A "standard" heartbeat of seventy contractions per minute enforced by the pacemaker in the absence of potential coronary circulation merely accelerates the ongoing dystrophic process of the myocardium. The condition with arrhythmias that results from coronary insufficiency does not improve because these devices not only fail to enhance coronary hemocirculation, but by increasing force and rate of heart contractions, they further exacerbate this insufficiency due to the development of an even greater disparity between the heart’s blood supply and its intensified performance. And sooner or later, this serves as the basis for the development of cardiosclerosis, cardiac insufficiency, and decompensation wherein the heart loses its working capacity.
Operation of stenting for treating ischemic origin arrhythmia only temporarily improves the condition of patients, since its source along with its accompanying pathologies, including hypertension is not eliminated. Sooner or later, the stents themselves become occluded even faster for the same reason that clogged the coronary vessels, because as allogenic bodies, they are all the more prone to constant attack by the immune system. As a result, the necessity in stenting becomes actual again.
Coronary artery bypass surgery that is widely applied in contemporary medicine can merely increase blood flow to the heart and may relatively improve the condition of ischemia induced arrhythmia. However, for two reasons, this improvement fails to last.
1. Coronary artery bypass surgery does not eliminate the underlying source of the disease found in the human blood, i.e. the pathocomplex process, as the primary cause of blood vessel occlusion in all cardiovascular pathologies, as it fails to eliminate the hypertension itself as the factor that constantly overloads the heart.
2. The process of the surgery itself injures the myocardium and can ultimately result in the development of fibrous tissue layers in the way of cardiac conduction system. This is why after a while arrhythmia recurs if it ever does disappear but, this time, permanently.
Fighting disease consequences cannot eliminate the disease itself because the cause of its development remains in the blood. Thus, even at a temporarily improved condition, the disease still remains and progresses.
One of the most ridiculous methods of treatment of arrhythmia ever devised by men is the method of ablation consisting of pointed destruction of individual atria wall sections that allegedly generate pathological electrical signals. Ablation at a myocardium site leads to the formation of fibrous (scar) tissue in place of its highly specialized tissue in hopes that the arrhythmogenic source will be isolated owing to low electrical conductivity of the scar tissue. The method is based on the principle of destroying the pathology carrier rather than the cause of its occurrence. Under the influence of high-frequency electrical energy, occurs the burning and necrosis of a relatively large section of the myocardium that is accompanied by a high risk of heart valve damage, embolism, perforation of the heart with the tamponade, ischemic stroke, coronary artery injury with possible occurrence of myocardial infarction, and induction of the irreversible complete atrioventricular block. After such quantity of possible complications, about what advantage of application of the given method there can be in general a speech?
With the proposal of the theory of pathocomplex process, many diseases that had no scientific explanation satisfying the requirements of science to this point can be successfully cured. There are now new solutions for problems of the cardiovascular system, including the coronary heart disease and ischemia-induced arrhythmia. After treatment course on elimination of coronary heart disease which is the principal cause of arrhythmia, ischemic induced arrhythmia itself also disappears. New treatment methods can completely eradicate these problems without inflicting any injuries to the myocardium and the blood vessels of the heart. There is no more necessity for operations of coronary shunting and stenting. No other medical center at present on the globe can do this. The most modern and equipped clinics and research institutes all over the world are incapable of eliminating arrhythmia, including arrhythmia induced by the impairment of coronary circulation.

Thus, the cause of hypertensions, coronary heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes that appeared in the 20th century in humans alone as a result of the completion of a certain stage of evolutionary changes of the organism is the pathocomplex process that began back in the second half of the 18th century. The main trigger for occurrence of a new group of human pathologies is a deficiency or absence of certain factors that are well-known to medicine as the elements required for the completion of the last phase of the humoral defense. The origins of the reduced synthesis of the aforementioned substances are biological and adaptive changes of the human organism as a result of the abrupt changes in its environmental conditions caused by the Industrial Revolution  of the 18th century and the subsequent global urbanization.
As a result of carrying out of complex therapy based on the pathocomplex theory, the lack of synthesis of the factors required for disbandment of the pathocomplexes in the last stage of the humoral defense will be completely eliminated and thus, the foundation for existence of all cardiovascular pathologies.
Based on our theoretical analysis and our numerous successful treatments, we can say with confidence that for the first time in the history of medicine, the prevention and treatment of hypertension, ischemic disease of the heart and any other organ, strokes and heart attacks is an absolutely disposable reality. The problem of the cardiovascular diseases that is causing so much suffering to the people since the 20th century is a problem of the past.

Finally, since skeptics find it convenient to brand any new scientific discovery as "folk medicine" to refute it without going to further troubles, we want to emphasize that the theory of the pathocomplex process and the treatment method derived from it have no relation to traditional medicine in any of its forms whatsoever and while they are significantly different from the treatment methods adapted in the current medicine, and are implemented solely within the scope of modern medicamentous medicine and all drugs administered are on the pharmacological market for over 40 years and are registered with heath ministries of virtually all countries around the world.

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